ABOUT Wake Up Ekklesia

It’s neither a church organization nor a call for donations, nor a traditional ministry.  It is about a call to action – to wake up!

To guide, encourage and enable allowing God’s Holy Spirit to lead into all understanding through study, prayer, fasting, meditation and turning to God using His Word, the Holy Bible.  That in the manner of the Bereans in Acts 17:11 and the original true believers, you may seek, search, consider, question, discuss, fellowship and exhort one another (Heb 10:25).  Not being afraid to look into the Bible directly and prove all things.

That you may mature spiritually, developing the spiritual gifts God has given to each of us. That you may grow in faith and trust in our Rock and Shield as the world moves through ever more severe and perilous times. Let us walk the road in courage, joy and hope as we look to the promise of the coming Kingdom of God.

“…Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)